BIEKAPA was born in 2017 as the result of the merger between two companies with an extensive experience in the manufacturing of steel profiles through cold forming processes. On the one hand KAPA PERFILES, SL, specialising in profiles for drywall systems, and on the other side, BIEK PERFILADORES, SL manufacturer of profiles for agriculture, industrial, the energy sector and construction applications.
Both companies began their activity in the year 2000, based in the same geographical area. The location on the border between Spain and France, means that today, BIEKAPA is able to focus strongly on the export market, with a clear international objective.
BIEKAPA has a wide knowledge of the cold forming sector of metal profiles, both at production and market levels; its know-how is the result of twenty years of experience providing solutions to the needs and requirements of its customers. The machine facilities and production capacity can respond to businesses’ needs rapidly and efficiently, drawing on a wealth of experienced organisation, innovative designs and desire of new challenges.